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Writer's pictureHannah Wahlberg

This Review is Written in the Stars

Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

CW: Sex, Drinking/Getting Drunk, Cheating, Neglectful Parents, Money Problems, Unsupportive Family


While I found this book on my own and wanted to read it because of the redhead on the cover, it was my roommate's joy over it that really sold the book to me. Truly, anything with queer content can win her over, but she did seem particularly into this book on its own and as a series. She credits it for opening her up to the world of WLW romcom books. What she adored most was that it was unabashedly cheesy and has several characters named for ones in Pride and Prejudice. She recommends the whole trilogy and I'm certain I will too after I've read Hang the Moon and Count Your Lucky Stars.

Written In the Stars is about Elle and Darcy, two women who seem to be very different from each other. Elle wants to find her soulmate and she's hoping her knowledge of astrology will lead the way. She's an energetic and kind soul who wears her heart on her sleeve. Darcy has been hurt in the past and is not ready to put herself back out there, no matter what her brother thinks. She likes order, facts, and numbers, things she can rely on. When Brendon, Darcy's brother and Elle's friend, sets them up on a blind date, it goes horribly. After assuming they would never see each other again, Darcy lies to Brendon about the date going well. When this gets back to Elle, the women hesitantly agree to keep the lie going. Strictly transactional, of course, it's not like these two opposites could fall for each other. That would be absurd.

Any book with enemies-to-lovers mixed with fake dating can capture my attention. When it comes to books, I'm easy. Still, I love to see what else I'll discover in the pages of the book. This book gifted me a lot of knowledge about astrology that I didn't have but I'm now grateful for. Throughout the book there are lists of things you are because of your zodiac. I had a lot of fun finding out my RomCom movie and my breakfast food, among the other lists featured. It was also interesting to see Seattle from the point of view of Bellefleur. Although I'll never grow tired of it, I'm used to reading it from Rachel Lynn Solomon's characters. Bellefleur painted a colorful world that I was happy for Darcy and Elle to be in.

This book is told in both Elle and Darcy chapters, 3rd person. I'll read and enjoy fake relationship books that only focus on one character, but I prefer when we get both. Fake relationships have a lot of confusing feelings that go into them, so to miss half the story, it leaves some doubts and questions as to how the love interest feels. That's not to say Written in the Stars is perfect. There were moments where I lost track of who I was reading about. This was certainly not enough to ruin the book, though. The story is cute and hard to put down. I've been wanting to take a break from the romantic books due to my jealousy over their relationships, but I had to read this one. I don't regret it in the slightest.

If you're looking for a cute winter love story that promises to follow up on the characters, consider reading Written in the Stars. Pancakes, Joni Mitchell, glitter, and soap operas await you!

Bonus! A song that reminds me of Elle and one that reminds me of Darcy:

Elle - Crystal Ball by Lenka:

Darcy - Break My Own by Taylor Bickett:

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